LME Inc. Chooses FreightSnap’s FS 5000

LME Trucking logo and FreightSnap logo.

In June of 2016, FreightSnap installed two FS 5000 automatic dimensioners for LME Inc. LME Inc., a large regional LTL carrier serving the upper midwest, expects the FS 5000 to help them improve the speed and accuracy of their freight dimensioning process.

To learn more about LME Inc. and their LTL carrier services, you can visit their website. For more information regarding FreightSnap’s FS 5000 dimensioner, go here.

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Already a popular pallet dimensioner in the United States, FreightSnap’s FS 5000 has taken its first steps toward becoming a trusted solution for Canadian companies looking to automate their freight measuring processes. This certification makes the FS 5000 the newest pallet dimensioner to be deemed legal-for-trade by Canada’s regulatory agency,...

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Sr Partner Partner’s Primary Contact 1 Flexaust Leigh Elliot | [email protected] Hall 2 Freightsnap Michael Eichenberg | [email protected] 3 Motus Logistics Jaron Klopstein 4 Texcel Rubber Steven Dickson | [email protected] Partnership Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 #1 Describe the challenge that led to the formation of the partnership. * Flexaust:...

Challenges in Modern Shipping Shippers today are faced with all sorts of logistics challenges. Lost shipments, damaged freight, reweigh charges and size reclassifications to name a few. “Most of our Shipper customers have experienced all sorts of issues, which is why we decided to craft a great documentation solution to...

Air Distribution, a subsidiary company of Johnson Controls, Inc. was incurring freight reclassifications due to density challenges as well as a much higher rate of lost and damaged freight. The decision was made corporately to run a Pilot program with FreightSnap to better document their freight as it is tendered...

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Warehouse management systems can increase inventory visibility, improve order fulfillment, enable automated data collection, and generally boost productivity across your operation. But, with so many options available, choosing the best system for your needs can be a challenge. So, whether you’re looking to update an old WMS, or invest in...

Ever since volumetric freight dimensioning became the standard form of measurement for the transportation and shipping industries, companies have been working to streamline the process and take advantage of its benefits. But, like any new process, the transition to dimensional weight measurement has caused a few headaches for companies making...

The Custom Companies, a Less Than Truckload Carrier with operations in Chicago and Los Angeles has chosen the FreightSnap FS 5000 and installed four new units in their new Chicago Terminal operation.  With their expanding operations, The Custom Companies needed a reliable partner to help them determine the most efficient...

We all know the satisfaction of finding a good deal online. The rush at seeing our minutes, hours, or even days of searching pay off in a discounted rate on the item we desire. And like-wise, we all know the disappointment, the sinking feeling at check-out, when we realize that...

Sr Partner Partner’s Primary Contact 1 Flexaust Leigh Elliot | [email protected] Hall 2 Freightsnap Michael Eichenberg | [email protected] 3 Motus Logistics Jaron Klopstein 4 Texcel Rubber Steven Dickson | [email protected] Partnership Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 #1 Describe the challenge that led to the formation of the partnership. * Flexaust:...

Challenges in Modern Shipping Shippers today are faced with all sorts of logistics challenges. Lost shipments, damaged freight, reweigh charges and size reclassifications to name a few. “Most of our Shipper customers have experienced all sorts of issues, which is why we decided to craft a great documentation solution to...

Air Distribution, a subsidiary company of Johnson Controls, Inc. was incurring freight reclassifications due to density challenges as well as a much higher rate of lost and damaged freight. The decision was made corporately to run a Pilot program with FreightSnap to better document their freight as it is tendered...

Product Sheet - FS Parcel Dimensioner

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Product Sheet - FS 5000 Dimensioner

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